It is, however, not to the museum, or the lecture-room, or the drawing-school, but to the library, that we must go for the completion of our humanity. It is books that bear from age to age the intellectual wealth of the world.” With regard to this quote built over a period of time, our spacious library houses some of the exclusive books of all genres. Extensively used by the students for projects and reference , the library provides the right support system to lessons in the classrooms. The school consists of a senior as well as a junior library which contains innumerable books to facilitate and influence the minds of our students. The senior library as an information super-highway caters to the students of class VI-X. The junior library with its informal and lively atmosphere encourages the students to develop the right reading habits and love for books thus making it a treasure trove of knowledge.
Library Details
Size of the Library – 600Sq ft
No. of Periodicals – 04
No. of Dailies – 05
No. of Reference book class wise – 10
No. of Magazine - 03