In Pursuance to the Director of Education,Govt.of NCT of Delhi Order no F/DE15(172)/PSB/2016/29777-778 dated 26/11/2018 the followinf has been laid down for admission to Pre-School Class in the school for the year 2019-20.
Available Seats | |
Seats avilable in Pre-School | 80 |
Category Wise Seat Distribution | ||
E.W.S & Disadvantage Group Seats(25%) |
25% of seats are reservedfor children belonging to Economically Weaker Section and Disadvantaged Group who are eligible as per condition laid down in Govt. Notification No.15(172)/DE/Act/2016/69 dated 07-01-2011 and subsequent orders. Apply Online on the site of Directorate of Education 75% Seats |
20 |
General Category | General category seats will be filled as per guidelines issued by Director of Education.Govt. of NCT of Delhi | 60 |
A. General (Open Seats)-60
a) Candidates shall be selected/admitted on the 100 point scale based on school specific criteria.
b) Admission under this category shall madeon 100 point scale based on the following parameters/criteria which shall befair,reasonable.,well defined,equitable,non-discriminatory,unambiguous and transparent
S.No. | Points | |
1. | Neighbourhood- 0-8Kms-70 Above 8 Kms-50 |
70 |
2. | Siblings/Staff Wards | 20 |
3. | Single girls child | 10 |
Total Points | 100 |
The child should be at least three(03) years old and at most (04) years as on 31st march 2019 for admission in pre-School Class
Registration forms shall be available at thereception of the school on all working days from Saturday,15.12.2018 between 08:30 a.m. to 2:00p.m. on payment of Rs.25/- only.
The filled in Registration forms should be deposited at the reception of the school between 08:30 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. on all working days.The last date fordeposition of application form for registration shall be on monday,7/01/2019 upto 02;00 p.m.
The admission shall be fair,reasonable,well-defined,equitable,non-discriminatory,unambigous and transparent by the admission committe under the Chairmanship of the Head of School.
No interview or interaction shall be held with candidates or parents.
1. | Commencement of availability forms for admission (on all working days) |
15/12/2018 (Saturday) from 08:30 a.m. to 03:00 p.m. |
2. | last date of submission of application form in Schools |
7/01/2019 (Monday) upto 03;00 p.m. |
3. | The date for displaying the first list of selected candidates (including waiting list)(along with alloted under point system) |
04/02/2019 (monday) 3;00 p.m. |
4. | Resolution of queries of Parents,if any (by written/email/verbal interaction)regarding allotement of points to their wards in the first list |
05/02/2019 (Tuesday) to 12/02/2019 |
5. |
25% of seats are reservedfor children belonging to Economically Weaker Section and Disadvantaged Group who are eligible as per condition laid down in Govt. Notification No.15(172)/DE/Act/2016/69 dated 07-01-2011 and subsequent orders. Apply Online on the site of Directorate of Education 75% Seats |
20 |
6. | General category seats will be filled as per guidelines issued by Director of Education.Govt. of NCT of Delhi | 60 |
7. |
25% of seats are reservedfor children belonging to Economically Weaker Section and Disadvantaged Group who are eligible as per condition laid down in Govt. Notification No.15(172)/DE/Act/2016/69 dated 07-01-2011 and subsequent orders. Apply Online on the site of Directorate of Education 75% Seats |
20 |
8. | General category seats will be filled as per guidelines issued by Director of Education.Govt. of NCT of Delhi | 60 |