In Pursuance to the Director of Education,Govt.of NCT of Delhi Order no F/DE15(172)/PSB/2016/29777-778 dated 26/11/2018 the followinf has been laid down for admission to Pre-School Class in the school for the year 2019-20.

Category Wise Seat Distribution
E.W.S & Disadvantage Group Seats(25%) 25% of seats are reservedfor children belonging to Economically Weaker Section and Disadvantaged Group who are eligible as per condition laid down in Govt. Notification No.15(172)/DE/Act/2016/69 dated 07-01-2011 and subsequent orders.
Apply Online on the site of Directorate of Education

75% Seats
General Category General category seats will be filled as per guidelines issued by Director of Education.Govt. of NCT of Delhi 60

Criteria Selection

A. General (Open Seats)-60

a) Candidates shall be selected/admitted on the 100 point scale based on school specific criteria.

b) Admission under this category shall madeon 100 point scale based on the following parameters/criteria which shall befair,reasonable.,well defined,equitable,non-discriminatory,unambiguous and transparent

S.No. Points
1. Neighbourhood-
Above 8 Kms-50
2. Siblings/Staff Wards 20
3. Single girls child 10
Total Points 100

The child should be at least three(03) years old and at most (04) years as on 31st march 2019 for admission in pre-School Class


Registration forms shall be available at thereception of the school on all working days from Saturday,15.12.2018 between 08:30 a.m. to 2:00p.m. on payment of Rs.25/- only.

The filled in Registration forms should be deposited at the reception of the school between 08:30 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. on all working days.The last date fordeposition of application form for registration shall be on monday,7/01/2019 upto 02;00 p.m.


The admission shall be fair,reasonable,well-defined,equitable,non-discriminatory,unambigous and transparent by the admission committe under the Chairmanship of the Head of School.

No interview or interaction shall be held with candidates or parents.

Pre School session {2019-20}
1. Commencement of availability forms for admission (on all working days) 15/12/2018
(Saturday) from
08:30 a.m. to 03:00
2. last date of submission of application form in Schools 7/01/2019
upto 03;00 p.m.
3. The date for displaying the first list of selected candidates (including waiting list)(along with alloted under point system) 04/02/2019
(monday) 3;00 p.m.
4. Resolution of queries of Parents,if any (by written/email/verbal interaction)regarding allotement of points to their wards in the first list 05/02/2019
(Tuesday) to
5. 25% of seats are reservedfor children belonging to Economically Weaker Section and Disadvantaged Group who are eligible as per condition laid down in Govt. Notification No.15(172)/DE/Act/2016/69 dated 07-01-2011 and subsequent orders.
Apply Online on the site of Directorate of Education

75% Seats
6. General category seats will be filled as per guidelines issued by Director of Education.Govt. of NCT of Delhi 60
7. 25% of seats are reservedfor children belonging to Economically Weaker Section and Disadvantaged Group who are eligible as per condition laid down in Govt. Notification No.15(172)/DE/Act/2016/69 dated 07-01-2011 and subsequent orders.
Apply Online on the site of Directorate of Education

75% Seats
8. General category seats will be filled as per guidelines issued by Director of Education.Govt. of NCT of Delhi 60